Vergil : Dinosaurs Lover (Plus Red The Raptor)

Im a lover of the Dinosaurs!

even i dressed myself as Owen Grady from Jurassic World
I love Chris Pratt and his character, and i love so much any other story that involves dinosaurs
(Land Before Time, Dinotopia, Were Back, And More)

That Raptor Is Named Red


He is my only friend... :(

But People says horrible things to me.
people call me by horrible nicknames like "Spoiled Brat","Idiot" or "Loser"
i dont know why, if i never do something bad to them....
and they insult me and dont respect my likes and toughts...
How i suppose i respect if they dont?

Sometimes i wish Dinosaurs didnt exingued. Even i think we should havent existed because....Humans are more savage than dinosaurs
The reasons why i love Dinosaurs are these
They dont talk, they dont judge, they dont say hurtfull words, they dont call you by horrible nicknames (I know some are dangerous and can roar, least, they arent saying to you words or names that can make you feel bad)
And they are free to do what they want, no one puts rules on them, and they even could be more kind than all of us humans....

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