Elphin (A Middle-Earth Story)


A Boy very sick, he is scared of being alone.
If the last day of his life comes, he wishes at least someone at his side when that time comes.


NOTE: This is just a story.
The universe of the Hobbit and LotR belongs to Tolkien.
This story was just made for ... trying to heal my wounds.
When i was a kid, i loved this universe, i loved Boromir, i cried when he died.
so i made this just for at least.... heal that childhood wound.
(and i always found comfort on Aragorn always and Faramir too)


In a far away village, nestled between the rolling hills and ancient forests of Middle-Earth, there lived a young boy named Elphin. His days were filled with laughter, playing in the meadows with the other children, but fate had a cruel twist awaiting him.

One fateful night. Orcs came to the village like a swarm of locusts. Lorca, Elphin's father, a valiant warrior, fought bravely to protect his kin, but the odds were against him.

In the midst of the chaos, Lorca fell in battle. , Eludin, his mother grief-stricken yet determined to keep her son safe, spirited Elphin away from the village, seeking refuge in the hidden corners of the woods.

As the days turned to nights, Elphin's heart weighed heavy with the absence of his father and the looming war that had stolen his happiness. The once vibrant and carefree boy now found himself trapped in the clutches of sorrow.

As the bitter cold of the approaching winter settled over the forest, Elphin's health began to wane. A persistent cough echoed through the quiet glades, a haunting reminder of the darkness that had befallen his family. His mother, desperate and fearing for her son's life, held him close, whispering comforting words into the stillness of the night.

One particular evening, as Elphin lay weakened by illness, his mother knelt beside him. Tears welled in her eyes as she clasped her hands together, offering a fervent prayer to the Valar, the divine beings who watched over Middle-Earth. She pleaded for someone to guide them through the shadows that had engulfed their lives, to bring healing to her ailing son.

One day, his mother promised to him to go for medicines, she left where they got hidden.
Days turned into a blur for Elphin as he anxiously awaited his mother's return. The medicine that once brought him some relief had run out, and the illness threatened to engulf him. Determination, however, burned within the young boy's heart. His mother had made a promise, and Elphin clung to the hope that she would return with the aid they so desperately needed.

As the sun dipped below the tree line, casting long shadows across the forest floor, Elphin made a difficult decision. With his small bundle of belongings, he set out in search of his mother. The dense foliage and twisted paths of the forest seemed to conspire against him, but the undeterred child pressed on.

Days turned into nights, and still, there was no sign of his mother. Desperation settled in Elphin's heart as hunger gnawed at his stomach, and fatigue pulled at his limbs. Yet, he pressed on, guided by an unwavering determination to reunite with the one person who held his world together.

In the heart of the woods, where ancient trees whispered tales of forgotten times, a figure emerged from the shadows. Boromir, a seasoned warrior with a noble bearing, appeared before Elphin. The child, startled yet hopeful, gazed up at the stranger who had materialized in his path.

Boromir, with a stern yet compassionate expression, inquired about the boy's predicament. Elphin, with eyes reflecting both sorrow and resolve, poured out his heart. He spoke of his lost village, his ailing health, and the promise his mother had made to return with the medicines that could save him.

Moved by the plight of the young boy, Boromir saw a flicker of destiny intertwining their paths. With a decisive nod, he offered his assistance.

As Elphin and Boromir traversed the winding paths and ancient woods, the air grew heavy with anticipation. Boromir, ever watchful, guided the young boy through the twists and turns of their journey. Yet, a hushed murmur swept through the villages they passed, whispering of a tragic discovery.

In a small hamlet, nestled between the trees, the chilling news awaited them. Villagers spoke in somber tones, recounting the tale of a lifeless woman found on the outskirts of their settlement. Fear gripped Elphin's heart, the dreadful thought that it might be his mother looming over him like a shadow.

Boromir, sensing the child's anxiety, placed a comforting hand on Elphin's shoulder.

The villagers, their faces etched with sympathy, appeared with a heavy burden. Elphin's heart pounded in his chest as he braced for the news. The air grew colder as the villagers solemnly presented the lifeless form of a woman.

Elphin's breath caught in his throat as he beheld the still figure. His mother's face now lay pale and unmoving. The reality crashed over him, and the dam of his emotions broke. Elphin cried out, a heartbreaking wail,

Boromir felt a pang of sorrow witnessing the raw grief of a child who had lost his mother. He gathered Elphin into his arms, offering what comfort him after Elphin's loss.

"All will be fine, young Elphin," Boromir whispered, his voice a balm in the midst of despair. "You are not alone, and though shadows may surround us now, the dawn will come."

As the sorrowful echoes of Elphin's cries lingered in the air, Boromir knew that they faced not only the grieving aftermath of loss but also the pressing urgency of a child's deteriorating health. The weight of responsibility bore down on him as he sought a way to ease the suffering of the boy who had become like a kin to him.

Determined, Boromir traversed the humble villages in search of the medicines Elphin so desperately needed. However, the harsh reality revealed itself as each store yielded nothing but empty shelves. The medicines Elphin's mother had once provided were nowhere to be found.

Frustrated but undeterred, Boromir turned to Elphin. "Are there herbs nearby that could be used to make the medicines?"

Elphin, replied,"The herbs needed are not found here; they're far away. That's why my mother went to gather them." His voice quivered with the weight of despair.

The journey to find the necessary herbs seemed insurmountable, especially with Elphin's fragile state and the perils that lay ahead. The once vibrant child, now weakened by illness and loss, coughed more violently, a cruel reminder of the pressing need for the medicines.

As the specter of death loomed, Elphin's eyes mirrored the fear that gripped his heart. Boromir knelt beside the young boy, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Do not despair, Elphin," Boromir spoke gently. "We may face challenges, but there is always hope. Your mother's love and sacrifices have not been in vain. We shall find a way to heal you, I promise."

As the night wrapped, Boromir helped to Elphin to sleep.

Seated by Elphin's side, Boromir began to tell a story – a tale of two princes, brothers bound by blood but torn by the complexities of their relationship. The elder prince, loved by his father, carried the weight of his sibling's inferiority complex. the story of a family divided by favoritism and the struggles that lay ahead.

The tale unfolded with the brothers growing up, each choosing a path that mirrored their convictions. The elder prince, burdened by the knowledge of his father's favoritism, found solace in supporting his troubled sibling. United by a common cause, the brothers vowed to fight together, albeit in different ways.

As Boromir finished the story, he glanced at Elphin, whose eyes were heavy with both grief and exhaustion. The story, a mirror to Boromir's own experiences, held within its threads the struggles, sacrifices, and enduring bond of brothers.

"The story doesn't end here," Boromir whispered, his voice carrying the weight of unspoken truths. "But for now, let us rest and dream of brighter days."

Elphin, lulled by the cadence of Boromir's tale, succumbed to the embrace of sleep. Boromir, his gaze lingering on the slumbering child, chose not to reveal the full scope of the tale. The intricacies of his family and bloodline, the complexities of his relationship with his brother Faramir, and the stern and cold nature of his father, Denethor, were truths that he held back.

As the days wore on, Elphin's frail form weakened further, the persistent cough echoing through the quiet glades. Boromir, determined to offer solace to the child he had come to care for deeply, ventured into the forest in search of herbs. With a heavy heart, he attempted to craft a makeshift medicine that might alleviate Elphin's suffering.

The potion, maded of carefully selected herbs, was presented to Elphin in a humble wooden cup. The child drinked it with a trembling hand. Boromir watched anxiously as Elphin sipped the bitter remedy, hoping against hope that it might grant some respite to the ailing boy.

In the quiet moments that followed, Elphin's gaze met Boromir's, and he summoned the strength to speak. His voice, a mere whisper, carried the weight of  his last breath.

"I wish... I wish my father hadn't fallen in the fight," Elphin began, his words tinged with both sadness and longing. "And I wish my mother was here to hold me, to comfort me."

Boromir, his heart heavy with the weight of the child's grief, listened in silence as Elphin poured out his deepest desires. The young boy, facing the inevitable truth of his mortality, turned to Boromir and embraced him with a fragile strength.

"Thank you," Elphin whispered, tears glistening in his eyes. "Thank you for being with me, for trying to help. I'm glad you're here."

In that poignant moment, Boromir felt a connection that transcended the boundaries of their short time together. Elphin's gratitude, a bittersweet acknowledgment of the comfort Boromir had provided, tugged at the warrior's heart.

Elphin's final words hung in the air, a whispered plea that encapsulated the unfulfilled wishes of a life cut short. "I wish you could stay with me, go with me..." Elphin trailed off, his strength waning.

Boromir, holding back tears, cradled the boy in his arms. As Elphin's breathing slowed, Boromir realized the inevitable truth – the young boy had came to his end.

In the quiet shadows of the forest, Boromir carefully laid Elphin to rest near the place where the villagers had found his mother. A humble grave marked the spot, Boromir, with a heavy heart, sounded from his warn horn a melody for Elphin, hoped that the boy might find solace in the company of his mother in the afterlife.

As he stood beside the freshly turned earth, Boromir's mind echoed with the haunting words Elphin had spoken in his final moments. "I wish you could stay with me, go with me..." The weight of those words lingered, etched into Boromir's soul.

With a heavy sigh, Boromir turned away from the grave, vowing to carry the memory of Elphin with him in the quiet corners of his heart. He made a silent promise to keep the boy's tale a secret.

Years passed.

The quest to destroy the One Ring brought together with the fellowship, and Boromir played his part helping Gandalf, Aragorn, The hobbits amd the rest of the fellowship.
Among the merry chaos of the journey, 
Boromir found solace in the camaraderie of the hobbits, Merry and Pippin.

One night, as the firelight danced and the stars glistened overhead, Boromir sat with Merry and Pippin. The two hobbits, wrapped in their cloaks, slept soundly by the warmth of the fire. Boromir, lost in the memories of the past, decided to share a tale long kept silent.

Gently stirring Merry and Pippin from their slumber, Boromir began to recount the story of a young boy named Elphin. He spoke of grief, of a bond formed in the quiet moments of despair, and of a friendship that had left an indelible mark on his soul. As he spoke, Boromir saw the reflections of Elphin in the faces of the hobbits before him.

"Elphin, like you two, carried the spirit of innocence and kindness," Boromir mused, a faint smile touching his voice. "He wished for companionship in the darkest of times, a hand to hold when the dark times grew long."

Merry and Pippin listened intently, their eyes filled with a mix of sadness and understanding. Boromir, in that moment, found a fleeting sense of closure. The echoes of Elphin's story, once kept hidden, resonated in the quiet night, a tribute to a brief yet profound connection that had shaped Boromir's journey through Middle-Earth.

Even if Boromir sometimes lost his sense towards Frodo at cause of the ring, he wished to be strong for Elphin, even if sometimes he tought death could be the key not just for his salvation, it could be for be with his friend again.
He embraced Merry and Pippin that night sleeping with them, like he did with Elphin.

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