Vergil , a fan with a dream

Im Vergil

I am…. Im  just a boy.


Im just a student yet, but in my school, I have no friends, my schoolmates makes fun of me, I always try to tell to the professors and the principal that they started first, but nobody believes me, and im always being the blamed when they actually started it.


And in my home, I live with my aunt-grandma and my uncle, my dad divorced my mom when I was born, and my mom died of cancer, since that I have to live with them, my aunt-grandma is sick, she is crippled, she cant walk, she even cant leave the bed, my uncle blames me saying I make her suffer, he even wishes that I should be dead.


Sometimes in the night, I wish I live in somewhere else…. Where I truly I have friends, where no one bothers me, where…. I have a family who loves me


I …. I love so much Hollywood and his films.

When I see many movies, I wish to be there, living adventures, learning to be a strong person, learning great values and lessions that people don’t apply these days anymore …. And …. Thinking im having a friend and a family who truly is kind with me.

Sometimes I rather to live in a fictional world instead of this cruel reality.


There is an actor and his movies that I love so much…. He seems to be a kind person, and a person who always keep positive, even if the world is against him, Chris Pratt.

I like this guy so much, he is a good father with his two kids (Jack and Lila), he is so lovely with his wife Katherine (even if he divorced Anna, I still respect his choice), his beliefs in god help me that maybe god exist, and make me think, god doesn’t want to make me miserable (even if he don’t support other peoples…I rather don’t want to talk about it), the point is that he is a kind and funny person, I wish to have someone like him as my friend, my protector, my family.

Even I love his movies, each one of them and his characters teached me something good, Emmett showed me that everything is awesome, Barley to believe in myself for do anything, Owen and Blue proved me that sometimes …. Dinosaurs used to be better than us humans (they don’t talk, don’t judge you, they don’t insult you….and they are strong and brave) and my favorite character of him… Starlord!

Starlord is my favorite hero in all the Marvel cinematic universe, he is funny, kind, and always keeps positive, even when things goes bad, he tries to do the things right.

I remember the scene where starlord’s mom died of a tumor, it reminds me when my mom died of cancer … and I see how Quill is bullied by most of the universe, just like how my uncle and schoolmates are with me, sometimes I wish that I had someone who protects me like he had Yondu.


When infinity war came, I was excited for see it, Quill, the guardians and the avengers ready to kick Thanos’s butt, but….what was my surprise when they didn’t defeated thanos…..not just only the fact that thanos won and erased half of the universe, not just only seening Quill erased with the other guardians except for Rocket and Nebula, the worse was, people blamed Quill for making thanos erase the universe…. I know Quill would never do such horrible thing, he is a good hero, he just punched Thanos for what he did to Gamora, Thanos deserved that, but….. even if they told him to don’t punch him, if he didn’t punched him, thanos still snaping his fingers, sometimes I blame dr. strange for give him the time stone.


Since that, people of internet and my schoolmates maded fun of me and Quill, they say he is the worst hero of the MCU, I know is not true, and my uncle even destroyed a starlord toy that I had, my hero isn’t an idiot, he was just sad.


When Endgame came, I was hopping for Quill’s revival, and…..he came back, I tought ill never see him again, but…. I cried when War machine punched him, when Gamora and Nebula punched him instead that she embraced him saying “I Tought I lost you” …. But….. even with thanos’s defeat, I was still sad about Quill, he and Gamora didn’t being together again, sometimes, I want to know where is she?

Quill is a hero that suffered to much, he lost his mother, his fathers, his girlfriend, and he tought he and his friends was lost forever, and people blames him unfairly.


Sometimes I belive im like Quill, people makes me the victim without points and life seems to treat me like trash, garbage, like a refuse.

Sometimes I even want to make a story, a story where people sees that starlord isn’t a bad hero, he is kind, funny and a hero is not perfect, but tries his best.

Like Disney plus shows, I wanted to make a story mixing starlord and a themed topic, Wandavision has sitcoms, Fatws is a duo team show, Loki is like Dr.Who, What if is like the Twilight Zone, and Hawkeye is Christmas themed. So..for starlord I wanted a musical show, something like Glee, Goof Troop and many Disney musicals.


But my idea isn’t focused on Starlord, sometimes I wanted to put myself in the story, almost as a main character, but Quill still the main hero in my story, the role of my character is “A Boy with a Dream”, a boy who doesn’t have friends, and his family treats him so horrible, and once he meets starlord, things change, he learns from him how to be a strong person, and he helps Quill to be understanded by the universe….. (my story wanted to have a bit like Hawkeye is with Kate Bishop).


And the songs, some of them are songs from the 80’s to the 2000 and some other are like Disney songs, like “Someone is waiting for you” from the rescuers.


Here is a part of he Story


Vergil heard there was more heroes in the universe, more than just the Avengers, he wanted to know the victims of Thanos’s tyranny.

He saw another team of heroes, he tought they are better than the avengers, he saw his leader was named “Peter Quill”, but he calls himself “Starlord, Legendary Outlaw”.

Vergil heard about a boy who left earth years ago, and no one knewed about him, he sometimes wished to leave earth to explore the galaxy and find a place where he can truly be happy, but most of times, know that not everyone in the universe are bad, other persons in the universe wasn’t mean like his family, and schoolmates.

Vergil´s  mom died of cancer, his dad abandoned her, and his uncle treated him like garbage, he had no one who protects him, and after Thanos’s snap, things didn’t changed, his uncle got worse every day and his schoolmates found new ways to torture him.

He listened from people who harashed that Starlord for bring ruin to the universe, in that point, vergil remembered how schoolmates blamed him for bad things on school when he actually didn’t did it, and his uncle how he punched him and even put ciguarrettes on his arm, for his life, is always the victim the blamed one

He wanted to know that Starlord, and know what happen exactly, he tought nothing was his fault.


I was thinking more on my story like a dream where at least, my favorite hero becomes my friend, mentor and family.

My uncle knocked the door, he was drunk, like every night, he started to tell me horrible things, he called me “trash” like everytime, he even told me that I should was be aborted.

I ran away, and I hided behind my bed, I was scared, I started to cry, I hold my starlord plush, I was talking to it saying “Why you cant protect me? Why youre not real?” I cried …. But my uncle found me, and he started to punch me so many times, he found my plush, and he throwed it away to the trash, he finished yelling at me “THE NEXT TIME ILL THROW YOU TOO TO THE TRASH, LIKE YOU SHITTY HERO”


I went to see my grandma-aunt, I told her about my problem with my uncle, I explained my problem in my school, but…..she didn’t listened to me, I touched her hand, and….she was gone.


My uncle entered to the room, he saw my grandma-aunt dead, he started to cry….. but the worse is what he started to say to me ….


I ran away, but he yelled at me since far away “COWARD”, I hided myself in my room, I closed the door, and I started to cry, I opened my book where I was writing my story, I maded a drawing of myself and starlord, with the next phrase





The next morning, at school I was continue making my story


After vergil chased the starship, it stopped.

It arrived, and Vergil cant believed with his own eyes….

There was him, the legendary outlaw, StarLord

He said “Hey, what was all about?”

Vergil ran away to see him….

He suddenly said “Wow, what do you want kid”

In that moment, Vergil, started to talk to Quill about how he knewed him, he told him about being interested to know Quill’s story around the universe.

Quill cant believed that he has a fan, he tought everyone in the universe hated him, he started to carry the child in his own arms and…..


In that moment, my schoolmates took my book, they started to say that my story is horrible, that I was just being a dumb kid with a dumb fantasy, they even told me no matter what I try, starlord will never stop being an imbecile.

I asked them to stop, they used a pen, and started to ruin my book.


Once they finished, I saw my book filled with insults to me, and my hero, they even called Starlors “StarIDIOT”, and the drawing with my phrase now say


I could try to tell to my professors or the principal, but whats the point? They don’t believe me, they  don’t do nothing.

I came back to my house, I saw my uncle taking my things away to the trash, he was also ready to go to my grandma-aunt funeral, he told me that he wanted me away from it and his house, he took the car and he also yelled this to me before he left


I started to cry, I had no idea where I should go, I saw out of my home my starlord plush that my uncle throwed to the trash, I tooked it back and I hugged it.

I had no choice, I had to leave my home…..


I hided myself where my uncle didn’t find me

I went to a park far away from my house, it taked me days to go there, I had to use the short of money that I got hidden in my home for food.


People laughed about me because i looked like a hobo, they said why I look like that, and other replied that maybe is because I have no one who loves me.


At the park, I decided to rest in a tree, I just had my starlord plush and my book with my story all ruined, even if I didn’t finished my story, I wrote in the last page



Even I drewed myself with starlord again……


But whats the point of make a story where I can be happy, I threwed my book, and I started to cry.

I hugged my starlord plush so much, and…..i asked to my self, why the universe hates me so much?


“Is this yours, little boy”

A voice said.


I replied to that voice, “YES”


“Wow, what happened?”


I don’t want to talk about it.


“I See the true story of this here, but, where is the rest of this?”


I replied “For what continue a story that doesn’t make any sense, I was just making a story where I was with my favorite hero that everyone hates and blames, I just wanted a story where I least im happy, where at least im loved, where at least I have a friend, where at least…..i have a family….who…truly loves me,  a story with my favorite hero, a hero who deserves better and I wish people see that he is good, strong, and amazing, but just for one movie, people don’t want to see how good is him, and the actor who plays him is a amazing person, I don’t get why people hate him, if he is kind, funny and I wish somebody like him as a friend and family because…..everything I had….i lost it…..since my grandma died, and my uncle is mean with me, and now, I have no where to go……”

"where is you parents" he replied

my mom is dead, and i never had a dad

And about my story....i rather dont want to continue 

then the voice replied


“I Think your story has good potential, as your own story like your life, and about you hero, have faith, im sure you hero is a good person as you, nobody is perfect, perfection doesn’t exist, mistakes makes you a unique and good person, and you hero makes mistakes and learn from them, and im sure people don’t know that yet, but im sure they will”


I replied “Why you say such a thing?”


“Look at me, open your eyes”




(book ruined)

(Cover Idea for the Book CLEAN)


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